I’ve been thinking. Filmmakers certainly deserve to sell their films to universities and libraries, but too many lack the funds at the end of the day to hire me, or anyone, to help them.
Since the skill of distribution is not rocket science, some can succeed on their own, but many need help.
So, I’ve come up with a plan. Beginning Monday, July 2nd, I will be offering small, affordable, 4-week seminars to get you ready for a fall campaign, with plenty of individual feedback. In addition, the purchase of any month of seminars will entitle you to a 30% discount on one hour of my consulting time, useable whenever you like. Also, seminars will be available via a web hosting service, to make it possible for you to attend long-distance, even if you live just a mile away from my home in Los Angeles.
For details, times, and prices on these seminars, see the Workshop link on the menu bar. A 4-week introductory seminar is required for all students, even if you’ve had some background in distribution. It will give an overview of my process, fill in any gaps, and establish a general vocabulary that we can share. In addition, during this first month, you will create a general distribution plan.
After the introductory month, future 4-week seminars will focus on giving each person specific feedback and response as they work on their distribution plan and prepare a campaign. You may dip in and out of these 4-week classes, or work month-by-month to be ready for fall.

Your DIY platform is well-positioned, the endorsements for your film just right, and plenty in academia have said that your movie would be great for teaching their classes. So where are your sales? You have a few, sure, but nothing like what you hear others get.
The process of selling anything yourself can be daunting, especially at the beginning. The internet affords an easy, and sometimes very affordable, way to contact buyers, but because of that, it’s becoming increasingly crowded. How do you rise above the scores of other emails that might arrive in a librarian’s inbox?
Give Your Film A Pedigree
Film festival laurels are great in the movie business, but count for almost nothing in academia. For science and social science especially, buyers want to know that your film has the backing of their important institutions and journals. So get your film reviewed in a few and post the comments on your website. To find them, google your film topic plus the word “journal”. Some will not review films, others will. You can also check an academic publisher like Sage (www.sagepublications.com) for numerous journal titles and links.
Spread The Word!
While the internet makes marketing new and modern, nothing replaces old-fashioned pr. As you search for academic journals, note conferences you might attend, presentations to give, and so forth. Academics gossip as much as anyone. Get your film known. If you can arrange it, do academic screenings for a small fee. Don’t expect much more than a few hundred dollars, but each new contact counts. Think of it as a way to fund your next trip to New York City, Hawaii, wherever. Search the universities in the area, scan the bios of faculty whom you think would be most interested, and contact them. Lead time here is important, though, as they will need to fit you in their calendar. Another good way to spread the word is to join the academic listservs of your discipline and post there.
Follow-Up On Leads
If you are using librarian lists from someone like Richard Dill, your email service (I use www.yourmailinglistprovider.com) should show you a long list of the people who clicked on your site. These are hot leads. Follow-up on them! Send them a personal email, a postcard, even call them. If they clicked on your site, you’re halfway to a sale!
It can take time and work to find your film’s “sweet spot”, but is worth it in the end.